The Neighbourhood Plan was amended to take account of comments received in the Regulation 14 consultation and was submitted to TDC on 13 December 2022.
There are 6 weeks of consultation from 15 May to 26 June 2023, see Tendring District Council ( including in-person consultation events at Ardleigh Village Hall: 22nd May 6 – 8 pm; 1st June 11 -2 pm.
TDC will appoint an independent inspector to examine the Plan before it can go to a referendum. The final version of the Plan can be found on the link below.
The Proposed Neighbourhood Plan for Ardleigh was published on 8 August. There will then be a period of six weeks when members of the community can make comments before it is submitted for formal examination.
There will also be a drop in session at the Village Hall on Weds 24 August 2-7pm
To view the plan and to comment please follow the link below.
The Steering Group has already invited Local Green Space nominations from the Parish and has subsequently conducted thorough desktop and field assessments of all the sites nominated.
Following these investigations, 11 sites throughout the parish of Ardleigh have been shortlisted due to their special community value. A comprehensive list of all shortlisted sites can be found
on the work in progress tab on this page Work in Progress ( and direct on this link
After reading the full document you can use the link below to provide your feedback
Our survey on noticeboards and other communications is now live. Please have your say.
A big thank you to the 299 people who responded to the Big Ardleigh Consultation Questionnaire. You sent in your responses directly, via the internet, or by completing a paper copy, which was collected and manually entered by a member of the Working Group. It was a great response, especially considering the challenge of ‘lock-down’ and the restrictions it presented.
It was really encouraging to know that so many people took the time to engage and respond.
You told us that you would like more sports and community facilities, cafes and restaurants and that there is little provision for young people in the community. You were happy with the school and Surgery and with the Village Hall but you also said that you would like a Community Hub. There was a strong feeling against any further housing development but if there were to be any it should be sustainable, in-fill and fit the character of the area. Over 90% of respondents want the rural characteristics of the parish to remain and footpaths, bridleways and lanes to be unaffected by development. We clearly have some issues over parking in the village and concerns over traffic calming. Over half who responded would support micro-businesses to set-up.
There was a good spread of response from across the parish and the age range was reasonably represented with approximately 80% between the ages of 30 and 69.
The main Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Questionnaire closed on 31 January 2021. We will now be working with our consultants to analyse the results and create a draft Neighbourhood Plan which takes account of your views.
We welcomed feedback from everyone who lives, works or has other strong connections to Ardleigh.
The draw was completed in accordance with the terms and conditions. Terms and conditions apply. The winner was Callum Mcguigan
You can submit your comments to us via:
· Email at
· Post at PO Box 12865, Colchester, CO7 7EZ
· Answerphone on 01206 619532
· Comment or Message via our Facebook page @ardleighpc
We are also on Instagram @ardleighnp
We will keep you updated here on our developing program of community engagement.
Our working group is open to people who live or work in Ardleigh and who would be eligible to stand for the council (eg must not be bankrupt or served a recent prison sentence).
If you are interested in joining the group please email us initially
We particularly welcome people who live on the edges of the parish of Ardleigh including the new Avellana Place and the Orchard developments and younger members of the parish
Our first survey was live between 1 July 2020 and 31 August 2020 and looked at Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in the Parish of Ardleigh. It was also known as the SWOT survey.
130 people responded. Thank you!
The results are available on the link below.
The feedback from the first survey was used to design and refine the main consultation questionnaire which was launched in November 2020