13 September 2024
The referendum result is in, with 86.5% in favour of the proposal.
The Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan is therefore 'made'.
Thanks to all the residents who have supported the process since we started working on it in late 2019 and who voted yesterday. Particular thanks to current and former Ardleigh Parish councillors and staff, to our Planning consultants (Planning Direct) and to the members of the public who joined the working group. We had weekly meetings on Zoom right through lockdown- more than 75 meetings!
We hope the Neighbourhood Plan will help to protect Ardleigh from unwanted development and protect some of the green spaces which residents tell us they value.
To be held on September 12 2024
The Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan, which the Parish Council began the process of
creating in late 2019, has finally gone through all the necessary stages of consultation culminating in this referendum.
Beacon Lighting Thursday 6 June from 8.30pm with Beacon Lighting at 9.15pm.
Millennium Green (adjacent to Recreation Ground)
Free Family Fun Day on Ardleigh Millennium Green. Ardleigh's Big Lunch 12noon-4pm Saturday 8 June 2024.
Thanks to those involved in the public meeting on 10 May. More details on the impact on Ardleigh and how you can object to the plans are our pylons and substations tab
Coming up soon. Take part to help keep Ardleigh tidy whilst also having the opportunity to participate in the Tidy Village Competition. See the poster for details.
New Mineral Extraction sites proposals in the Parish of Ardleigh An Essex County Council review includes 7 new potential sites (total 124.82ha) around Ardleigh, in addition to the 4 existing quarries. See image above. The Green block shows existing quarries. The Red block shows the proposed sites. The map also shows the proposed pylons and substations and the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Area and the proposed Surya warehouse.
The cumulative impact of all of these developments would be enormous!
There was a Drop-in session to provide further information and an opportunity to provide your feedback on the Mineral Plan on Friday 1 March 2024, Ardleigh Village Hall, Station Road 6.00pm to 8.00pm MATERIALS FROM THE DROP IN ARE AVAILABLE VIA THE 'FIND OUT MORE' BUTTON or in the 'Mineral Downloads' within the Parish Council, Formal Documents tab on this website.
20 March 2024. The Parish Council's proposed response to the consultation is available
Essex County Council information on their website Replacement Essex Minerals Local Plan review 2025 to 2040 | Essex County Council
You need to click on: Submit a comment on our consultation portal> https://www.essex.gov.uk/replacement-essex-minerals-local-plan-review-2025-2040/tell-us-your-views and then find the link to Assessment of sand and gravel sites report here: https://consultations.essex.gov.uk/planning/rmlpr-2024/
Thank you to the businesses and individuals below for generous sponsorship of the floral displays around Ardleigh Village for 2023. More details to follow.
A family-run agricultural and turf dealer, providing quality machinery, to customers across Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, London, Kent and East Sussex. Visit our Ardleigh showroom for lawn and garden care machinery, country clothing and more. https://www.tuckwells.com/outlets/ardleigh-colchester-turf/
The planters have been filled by Craft Nurseries and will be watered throughout the summer season by Cottage Landscapes,
Updated 16 August 2023
Thanks to funding from the GCG Environment Trust an accessible toilet is now open at the rear of the Village Hall from 8am to 6pm every day. The entrance is covered by village CCTV. Please help us to keep it pristine and available for all users of the Recreation Ground and Millennium Green. August 2021
UK Power Networks - Priority Services Register
Sign up anyone that might require support in the event of a powercut