Dates of forthcoming meetings. Meetings are normally on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7.30pm
Venue and format for meetings will be confirmed when agenda is published 3 clear days prior to the meeting.
Ardleigh Parish Council meetings are usually held
on the 2nd Monday of each month.
The next meeting is Monday 13 January 2025 at 7.30pm at Ardleigh Village Hall with a remote teams option available.
Agendas for meetings are published below at least three clear days before the meeting.
Members of the public are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings
and may ask a question relating to items on the agenda or matters relevant to the Council during the 'Public Participation' item- this can be done in person or remotely using the link in the agenda. Questions may also be emailed to
2023 Parish Council Meetings
Please note the following meetings were cancelled 8 August,
12 September - public mourning (agenda was published but meeting did not take place)